Join us and take action
There are many ways to get involved with DCCD from signing a petition to attending one of our many events. We are always excited to welcome new students to our organization, and we are confident that we will find the right place for you to get involved.
Our Mission
We have a unique place in the nation. As students in the District of Columbia, we are seated in the heart of the US government, giving us enormous resources and opportunities. We are dedicated to organizing DC students to promote the principles of equality, opportunity, social justice, and freedom through activism, education, and campaigning.
Our Impact
The District of Columbia College Democrats are pushing into full gear for this upcoming election. We've developed a strategic plan with a list of ambitious goals to guide our organization through the 2020 Presidential Elections. This plan will serve as a starting point for an organization that will do work unrivaled by any other organization in the countrs and will serve as a model for College Democrats chapters.
Every college student in the District of Columbia who identifies as a Democrat is a member of our organization.
We seek to provide all the resources necessary to our campus chapters for them to serve as exemplary organizations.
Our students, through their campus College Democrat chapters, work on dozens of campaigns every election.
Our Chapters
College Democrats organizations are housed at six universities across DC—American, Catholic, George Washington, Georgetown, Howard, and the University of DC. Find the contact information for your chapter below or contact us to start a chapter at your school!

January 2017
I am asking you to hold fast to that faith written into our founding documents ... a creed at the core of every American whose story is not yet written: Yes We Can.
Barack Obama, Farewell Address